Monday, July 13, 2020

Encinitas Mayor and Acolyte Choose Which Laws to Obey

FPPC — pffft! Who cares? Certainly not Kellie and me. If the FPPC drops a fine on us, our rich friends will pay it, and we will have accomplished our purpose anyway. That’s to get elected so we can continue to ruin Encinitas. We can’t win on our merits or records, so we cheat.

I’m in it for me, my family and my friends. They said, hey, you’re the perfect politician. You look OK, you come across well in public, you grin and sound real even when you’re lying through your teeth. People will believe you, not realizing that you’re totally disingenuous. 

Guess what. The people who told me I’m a perfect politician were right! They nailed it long before I did myself. They said, OK, get your feet wet on one of the commissions, then start up the ladder. You’ll be mayor in no time, and if you can keep the phony front up, you’ll be reelected as many times as you want. Just think of what you can gain for yourself, your family and your friends. What a legacy!

Prop A — it might as well be renamed Prop ZZZZZ. Sure, I know it was a ballot proposition that passed in a special election. Sure, I know it was incorporated within the municipal code, but I don’t like it. It goes against my interests. I chose to ignore it, undermine it and will eventually kill it altogether.

Lots of locals are angry that my cronies and I got the city to sue them over Prop A. Too bad, losers. I’m playing hardball even though Encinitas is in the bush leagues as cities go.

And, hey, if I can get free Surfing Madonna entries for me, my family and my buddy Scott, why not? If Encinitas merchants — grocers, bars, restaurants, whatever — want to comp me, my family and my friends, I’ll go for that, too. Why the hell not? I’m the mayor!

Surfing Madonna crossed me, so they’re gone. Let that be a lesson to anybody who doesn’t follow my dictates.

Measures T and U — total straw-man measures. I knew the voters would kill them, but the measures were a means to an end. The judge put Prop A aside, the state lit the green light, and we got the HEU that allows humongous developments that my family, my cronies, the BIA and I want.

You do realize that “Preserve Paradise” was just a manipulative slogan, don’t you?

I trot out the “my hands are tied” line when it’s expedient. I choose which laws to follow and which to ignore. That’s my privilege!