Monday, August 31, 2020

Encinitas Mayor Lays Down Her Philosophical Foundation

It’s traditional that politicians establish a philosophical foundation for their policies and actions.

On November 17, 1973, Richard Nixon confirmed his basic philosophy when he said, “People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook.”

In her May 22, 2020 newsletter, Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear laid down her philosophy as an elected official when she wrote, “Elections are the way that we resolve values disputes.”

In subsequent newsletters and speeches, Blakespear stated many of her other philosophical principles:

“Development is the way we balance concrete and asphalt.”

“Cycle traps are the way we test the 9-1-1 system.”

“Surfing is the way we communicate with our aquatic ancestors.”

“Collecting pennies from heaven is the way we build affordable housing.”

“Experiencing homelessness is the way we learn to appreciate showering.”

“Pandemics are the way we resolve population difficulties.”

“Generating countless incomprehensible reports is the way we achieve capital improvement projects.”

“Ignoring resident input is the way we promote transparency in local government.”

“Walking and bicycling are the ways we take road trips.”

“Squandering taxpayer funds is the way we economize.”

“Provoking lawsuits is the way we keep the city attorney alert and busy.”

“Collusion among City Council members is the way we foster best practices.”

“Terminating uncooperative employees is the way we keep fire department personnel and the staff in line.”

“Accepting campaign donations from developers and their PACS is the way we ensure diverse representation.”

“Encouraging residents to participate in city government then disparaging what they say is the way we demonstrate hypocrisy.”