Monday, September 28, 2020

City of Encinitas Has Solution for Leucadia Flooding Problems

Anticipating the coming rainy season, the Encinitas government has developed a solution for the persistent flooding problems in Leucadia. 

The city will soon receive several mating pairs of specially trained beavers from a supplier in Oregon. 

Beavers are known to build dams that form ponds in creeks. Contrary to freeing the water flow, the dams slow it. The beavers soon to arrive in Encinitas have been trained to do the opposite of what their evolutionary instinct demands. Rather than building obstructions that restrict water flow, the Encinitas beavers will remove blockages and form tunnels that increase drainage. 

The Oregon beaver supplier has had remarkable success in reversing the beavers’ natural instincts. There are few behavioral changes in the animal kingdom to match the achievement. 

Encinitas residents, repeat visitors and passers-through are all too familiar with the floods that occur in various city locations even after light rains. The unusually heavy rains of the 2019-20 winter produced floods and damage of epic proportions. 

The city had to do something. That something will be the arrival of several pairs of problem-solving beavers.