Monday, December 28, 2020


Would the Mayor of Encinitas Rise to the Challenge?

If a vacancy were to open on the Encinitas City Council, what would Mayor Catherine Blakespear do? 

Would she call for a special election so the voters could choose a replacement? Would she appoint another toady who would fall in line and vote with her 100 percent of the time? Would she have the courage to appoint a rival, namely Julie Thunder, the candidate who came within 10 percent of beating her in the November mayoral election?

Lincoln had the courage and strength of character to appoint a team of rivals as cabinet members. Would Blakespear match Lincoln’s action, or would she round out the City Council as a team of toadies?

Considering her past appointments and endorsements, the chances are Blakespear would appoint another toady. But if she’s politically ambitious, that would look weak, would be unpopular, would generate serious criticism and wouldn’t shape future campaigns well.

What would Blakespear do about a vacancy on the Encinitas City Council? Take a guess.