“Forsooth,” sayeth Queen Catherine, “thee knave Bruce Ehlers haseth the temerity to violateth my wishes! He speakeths and writeths for local control of development. He vowethed to representeth the residents and has kepteth those vows. He holdeths not to my program. He holdeths no loyalty to his Queen.
“I cannot haveth such a knave on my Planning Commission,” sayeth Queen Catherine. “I must haveth obedience and subservience. A righteous independent voice cannoteth be heardeth. He kneeleths not before Sir Randy. Off with thee knave Bruce Ehlers’ head!
“He makeths it worse by being a candidate for my Court of Jesters,” sayeth Queen Catherine. “Oh, reverseth thy timepiece. I haveth misspoken. If thee knave Bruce Ehlers winneths election cometh November, my reign as Queen of Encinitas by then will haveth ended. Without me there to cutteth his tongue and breaketh his fingers, he will runneth amuck, he will ignoreth thee BIA and enforceth local control by thee residents.
“I will not haveth such,” sayeth Queen Catherine. “Thee knave Bruce Ehlers musteth be stopethed. The privies be yon. Off with his head!”