Monday, March 29, 2021


Committee Wants Mayor Blakespear to Lose 2022 State Senate Election

“When my husband, Bud, and I heard that Catherine is running to replace termed-out Bates in state Senate District 36,” said Cardiffian Kana Biss, “we said, no way José, we can’t let that woman ruin so much geography. I mean, cripes, she’s screwed Encinitas and now, as SANDAG chair, she’s screwing the whole county!

“We got together with neighbors from all five Encinitas communities and decided to form a committee dedicated to having Catherine join Gaspar in political oblivion,” said Biss. “We needed a memorable name for the committee, an acronym like the immortal CREEP, Nixon’s Committee to Re-elect the President.

“We puzzled over it for almost an hour and settled on BOOPO,” said Biss. “It’s Blakespear Out of Public Office. It’s kind of catchy, don’t you think?

“Catherine is really dangerous,” said Biss. “To the uninitiated, she comes across as harmless, well-intended and believable. In reality, she’s the opposite. Now she wants to one-up Tasha. Tasha bailed halfway through her Planning Commission term to run for City Council. Then she bailed halfway through that term to run for state Assembly.

“When Catherine ran for mayor in 2020,” said Biss, “she knew she would run for state Senate in ’22. But she couldn’t do that without being an office holder. She’s using Encinitas and SANDAG as steppingstones. She wants to be governor of California.

“Have you seen the photo of Catherine and the other council members in front of the Ave Maria Resort sign?” said Biss. “Oh, wait, Bud tells me it’s Alila Marea, my mistake. Anyway, her position in the group, her stance and body English say it all. It’s a dominatrix pose. She’s really just a small-town girl saying, hey, I’m cool, I finagled this colossal hotel. In fact, all the council members are wannabes posing as hip urbanites. 

“A dollar will get you 20 that hotel will start cutting its rates real soon,” said Biss. “I mean, who’s going to pay $700 to $5,700 a night to stay in that place? What are the nearby attractions? Legoland? Costco? The shrunken flower fields? Anybody going to the races can stay in Solana Beach or Del Mar. They’re closer, way less expensive and not pretentious. Maybe Alila comped Catherine to get her endorsement.

“We BOOPO founders invite you to join us,” said Biss. “Help us banish Catherine to political oblivion. Call (760) 633-2600 for information.”

Monday, March 22, 2021


White Encinitas Woman Identifies as Black

Blanche Vit is a white Encinitas woman who identifies as black.

“I enrolled at Howard University in Washington, D.C. I want to be with my people in a rigorous academic environment,” said Vit. “I’ll join the Beta Lambda Kappa sorority.”

Vit is leaning toward political science and journalism as subjects to study.

“If I study political science, I’ll continue at Howard for law school and join the National Conference of Black Lawyers after I pass the bar exam,” said Vit. “With those credentials, it will make sense to run for Congress. If elected, I’ll join the Congressional Black Caucus.

“But I might decide on a career in journalism,” said Vit. “If I go that route, I’ll join the National Association of Black Journalists. I believe in social activism. Being part of an organization of like-minded people increases my effectiveness. I’m honored to already be an NAACP member.”

Vit is a gifted musician who plays several instruments and sings.

“Naturally, I gravitate to soul, rhythm and blues, and jazz,” said Vit. Aretha is a goddess and Miles a god in my eyes. Ella blows my mind. I’m more into those classic artists than I am rap and hip hop. And wow, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. Now, that’s a movie!”

Vit is also an accomplished athlete.

“I idolize Simone Biles and love gymnastics, but I’m too tall to be really good at it,” said Vit. “Yet I’m not tall enough for basketball, so my sport is track. I studied the videos of Wilma Rudolph. She ran like she was shot out of a cannon. Then there’s Flo Jo. She’s incomparable. She left her competitors in the dust. I’m looking forward to running track at Howard.”

Monday, March 15, 2021

Please Cry for Me Encinitas

It won’t be easy

You’ll think I’m strange

When I try to explain how I feel

That I still need your love

After all that I’ve done

You won’t believe me

All you will see

Is a gal you once knew

Who failed to preserve paradise

As she always promised to do

I first had to betray you         

I had to lie

Couldn’t stay all my life in the law

Looking out through the window

Staying out of the sun

So I chose council       

Ran for mayor

Making everything pew

And nothing deterred me at all

I never expected it to

Please cry for me, Encinitas

The truth is I up and left you

All through my lying days

My bad existence

I broke my promise

Just keep your distance

And as for fortune

And as for fame

I always invited them in

And I showed to the world

They are all I desire

They are ambitions

They are surely the brass rings  

They promised to be

The answer was here all the time

I love you and hope you love me

Although I have blood on my hands

Please cry for me, Encinitas

The truth is I up and left you

All through my lying days

My bad existence

I broke my promise

Just keep your distance

Have I lied too much?

There’s nothing more

I can think of how to play you

But all you have to do

Is look at me to know

That my words are not true

Please cry for me, Encinitas

Monday, March 8, 2021

Encinitas Celebrates Its Activists

With City Council members and staff not following the wishes of the residents — in fact doing the opposite of what residents want — activists are more important than ever. 

A former mayor called our loyal activists “obstructionists.” Nothing could be more wrong. Our activists dedicate their time and energy to exposing the City Council’s improprieties, illegalities and wasteful spending. Their purpose is to get the council to act in the residents’ interests rather than against them.

Here are the names and a little something about activists from each of the city’s five communities.

Olivia Hain. Olivia is a longtime resident of Olivenhain. She loves horses, hates the proposed Goodson project and wants to find a way to relieve traffic congestion on Rancho Santa Fe Road. She doesn’t want to have coffee with Joe Mosca and would like to see him voted off the City Council in 2022. Olivia doesn’t think that Mosca has done anything to benefit Olivenhain residents or look out for their interests. She is afraid of Santa Ana-driven wildfires forcing residents to evacuate on traffic-jammed roads.

Newt N. Sineatus. Newt lives in the part of Encinitas that boasts the most residents of the five communities that make up the city. New Encinitas is like any suburb across the country. Top concerns are good schools for kids and traffic that drives everybody crazy. Newt abhors driving on El Camino Real and wonders why the City Council wants to make it worse. With the virus and online shopping, Newt is concerned about vacant stores and restaurants. Like other activists, he is against excessive population growth and even denser development.

Carr Diff. People say Carr is older than dirt. That’s not really true, but Carr does go back to the days of Vons and Value Fair being where the Seaside Market and other businesses are now. Carr likes Cardiff being a quiet zone for the trains rolling through town. He deplores the bicycling maze between Chesterfield and Solana Beach. Carr sees the San Elijo Lagoon as a great blessing and is very glad it didn’t become a marina. He sees that Mayor Blakespear is protecting the community where she lives while sacrificing the other four.

Nancy Neetus. Nancy loves Old Encinitas and hates seeing the historical homes and businesses replaced by ugly, insensitive new ones. She deplores Pacific Station. One of her favorite slogans is “Bring back the Royal Canton!” Nancy has fought what used to be called DEMA every step of the way. She misses the Community Market and Vern Painter’s Garage. Nancy wants the post office back on Second Street and the long couches back at the La Paloma. She questions the sense of Dietrich’s Drugs becoming an Italian restaurant. Like other activists, Nancy celebrates Prop A and wants it preserved. She says the Pacific View site was donated as a public space for education and should stay that way.

Lulu Cadia. Lulu sees Leucadia as the most neglected and misunderstood community of the five that make up Encinitas. She says Leucadia was originally built and populated as a suburb of the big city, meaning downtown Encinitas. Leucadia is skinny and the roads and tracks are squeezed too close together, while downtown is a bump in the coast. It has level space that Leucadia lacks. Don’t get Lulu started on Streetscape and that colossal imposition on the bluff at the north end. She says both are the worst ideas to ever burden Leucadia. Lulu wants to see honesty and intelligent planning applied in Leucadia.

Residents bless Encinitas activists and are grateful for their perseverance.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Leucadia’s Mom & Pop Resort Offers Grand Opening Special

The long-awaited grand opening of Leucadia’s Mom & Pop Resort is about two weeks away. Locals and global travelers alike have been eagerly awaiting the resort’s debut. Now we can gratefully satisfy our admirers’ anticipation. As a reward for guests’ patience and loyalty, the Mom & Pop Resort is offering a grand opening special.

Guests who submit a deposit to reserve a room between March 17 and April 15, 2021 are eligible for a complimentary Covid-19 vaccination. Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccinations are available. Guests who choose Pfizer or Moderna must return for another night’s stay to receive their second complimentary inoculation about three weeks after the first. Guests who choose Johnson & Johnson will not be required to return for a second stay.

Vaccinations will be administered by authorized, certified Amazon delivery drivers. Guests with Amazon Prime accounts will be prioritized, but all guests with an Amazon account will be eligible.

Regardless of room choice, every guest who reserves a stay at the Mom & Pop Resort within the stated period is eligible for the grand opening special. Nightly room rates range from $689 to $5,689. As a bonus, the Mom & Pop Resort will waive the daily $49 resort fee.

Guests should note that in the spirit of hospitality, the resort provides a wetsuit rack in every room at no extra charge.

Welcome! Leucadia’s Mom & Pop Resort looks forward to hosting you. For reservations, call toll-free at 800-554-9288.