Monday, July 19, 2021

Blithe Spirit Demonstrates How to Ride in a Sharrow

“I’m a child of the universe,” said Ayre Head, “the universe protects me. As an extra safeguard in case the universe takes its eye off me for a split second, I wear a helmet when riding my bike in a sharrow.”

With the global population at 7.9 billion, the universe has a lot of people to look out for. Then the countless billions of other living things have to be considered. Is the universe looking out for them too?

Perhaps the universe has established priorities. If so, it stands to reason that a young woman riding a beach cruiser on Highway 101 in Leucadia would be at or near the top of the protection list.

After all, that stretch of highway has gotten a lot of attention in the past decade or so. What with road diets, narrowed traffic lanes, speed tables, reduced speed limits, sharrows, dedicated bike lanes, roundybouts, crosswalks and private property buyouts, Leucadia Highway 101 has garnered great notice worldwide.

And as goes the world, so goes the universe. Doubtless, the heightened global attention paid to Leucadia Highway 101 has not gone unnoticed in the universe at large.

Consequently, Ms. Ayre Head can feel blissful, carefree and safe riding her bike in a sharrow on Highway 101 in Leucadia.