Monday, September 6, 2021

Encinitas Mayor Calls for Supporters to Sign Whereas Pledge

Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear has called for supporters to sign her Whereas Pledge as an authorization to continue her personal, politically ambitious, ultra-progressive agenda.

§ Whereas I, Catherine Blakespear, am the duly-elected mayor of Encinitas, I have the right to ignore any constituent who disagrees with me.

§ Whereas I am the mayor of Encinitas, I have the right to evade Proposition A and, further, to try to kill it.

§ Whereas I am the mayor of Encinitas, I have the right to sue residents who supported Proposition A and then pretend I didn’t sue them.

§ Whereas my campaigns are largely funded by the BIA and PACs, I have the right to favor their interests over those of my regular constituents.

§ Whereas I contend that increased density provides affordable housing and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, I can approve projects with a minimum of 80 percent market-rate housing that increase traffic congestion and GHGs.

§ Whereas I am the chairwoman of SANDAG and sit on several local and regional boards, I have the right to pursue my ultra-progressive agenda in those organizations.

§ Whereas I live in Cardiff, I can use my power and influence to bring benefits to that community while not doing so for other Encinitas communities. For example, I got a railroad quiet zone for Cardiff but not for downtown Encinitas or Leucadia.

§ Whereas I occasionally ride a bicycle, I can impose unsafe bicycle infrastructure throughout Encinitas to the disadvantage of motor vehicle drivers and then blame those drivers for collisions with bicyclists.

§ Whereas I know next to nothing about Leucadia, I can impose a Streetscape project there (estimated to cost in the neighborhood of $60 million) that will gridlock vehicle traffic and kill roadside businesses.

§ Whereas I am special, privileged and well-funded, I can run for the Senate seat in California District 36, fully expect to win, and proceed to pursue my personal, politically ambitious, ultra-progressive agenda in Sacramento.

§ Whereas I don’t want to cast negative light on myself during my Senate run, I can delete derogatory comments from my campaign’s Facebook page.