Monday, May 23, 2022

Encinitas Activist Keeps Vow to Vote Against Blakespear

“For months, even years, I’ve been saying I’d never vote for Blakespear,” said Encinitas activist Larry Gomorka. “She’s been a total disaster for Encinitas and San Diego County, so there’s no way on Earth that I’d vote for her for state Senate. Putting her in a Senate seat would be spreading her local disaster statewide. And she’s power hungry and politically ambitious, do it’s a good bet her next run would be for governor or the federal Senate.

“I voted for Joe Kerr,” said Gomorka, “as much a strike against Blakespear as support for Kerr. He’s a decent, qualified guy and I’m sure he’ll do a good job of representing his constituents, which is something Blakespear has never done. She beats her own drum and has never given so much as a nod to following the residents’ wishes.

“Blakespear has high name recognition in San Diego County, where about 70% of District 38’s voters live and where registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans by more than 3%,” said Gomorka. “She has also raised a lot of campaign money — more like bribes, really — so the chances of her being one of the top two finishers in the June primary are high.

“If it becomes Blakespear vs. Gunderson in November, that would create a personal dilemma for me and, I suppose, many other voters,” said Gomorka. “I’ve never voted for a Republican, and I sure wouldn’t vote for Blakespear. I hope circumstances don’t force me to break a good lifelong habit.”