Monday, June 15, 2020

Everything Open, People Free to Spread Virus at Will

Imprisonment is over at last. The oppressors have broken the chains. We can return to some semblance of normal. Employment can rise. The economy can come roaring back. We can share COVID-19 as freely as we please.

At the urging and with the complicity of the current federal administration, state governors decided what percentage of their respective populations they can afford to sacrifice to the virus for the sake of releasing people from home prisons, reducing domestic violence, getting the work force back to work and pushing the economy into the stratosphere.

Using statistics gathered since the virus reached the US, state governors calculated two percentages. First was cases to be tolerated overall, second was deaths among those cases. Both figures vary from state to state according to disease history; population; population concentration; racial, ethnic and gender assignment diversity; and atmospheric conditions and topography.

For example, with its 39.5 million residents, California, the most populous state, has different case and death tolerance figures than Wyoming, the least populous state, with 579,000 residents. The other factors also influenced the disparity in both case and death tolerance figures between those two states.

Facing an aggressive contagion in unprecedented conditions, we have reached a rational national policy state by state. Our perseverance has culminated in an American solution.

Our long national nightmare is over. Free at last! Free at last! Great virus almighty, we are free at last!