Monday, June 29, 2020

Racist Brands Bite the Dust

Americans are rejecting popular brands that use racist, ethnic and gender stereotypes to sell products.

Count Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Mrs. Butterworth, Cream of Wheat, Eskimo Pie, Colonel Sanders, Don Pepino, Rosarita, Chef Boyardee, Chiquita, Land o’ Lakes, Sun-Maid, Jolly Green Giant and Betty Crocker among them.

Americans have lost tolerance for anything that ignores or contradicts the ideals of the Constitution. The demand is to live up to the Constitution’s promises. No more pretending or allowing exceptions. No more turning a blind eye.

The nationwide protests began when white men in uniforms targeted black or brown people one too many times. A straw broke the camel’s back. Outrages that had prompted short-lived reactions earlier, now produced protests that couldn’t be contained.

The street protests expanded to taking down undeserved monuments — statues of oppressors and destroyers who don’t warrant admiration and respect.

The objections simultaneously spread to brands, and producers were quick to react, more out of economics than morality.

So it’s sayonara, ciao, cheerio and adios to Aunt Jemima and the like.