Monday, January 24, 2022

Minimum Wage Workers Can Afford Electric Bike Rides

There’s good news for California minimum wage workers who visit or live in Encinitas!

Encinitas BCycle bike rides cost only $14 per hour. Correspondingly, minimum wage workers earn $14 an hour where there are 25 or fewer employees. Minimum wage is $15 an hour otherwise. With one hour’s pay, members of either group can ride an electric bike for a whole hour. Not only that, those who earn $15 an hour will have a dollar left over!

It’s like manna from heaven. Taxes and other payroll deductions not considered, of course.

The city launched Encinitas BCycle on January 5. There will be 100 docking stations placed in key areas around the city. That means easy access wherever minimum wage earners work.

“We are excited about the launch of Encinitas BCycle – we know a bikeshare program is a great way to provide bikes to more people in an easy and affordable way,” said Crystal Najera, Sustainability Manager for the city of Encinitas. “We see this as an opportunity to allow more Encinitas residents and visitors to try an e-bike, avoid emitting transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions, and help the city meet its Climate Action Plan goals.”

Surely, every Encinitas visitor and resident wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The BCycle program gives minimum wage workers an affordable way to help.