Monday, May 11, 2020

Encinitas Installs Multi-Modal Slalom Course Across Cardiff Flats

Bicyclists, walkers (with and without dogs), runners, skateboarders and rollerbladers are meeting the challenge of the multi-modal slalom course the city of Encinitas recently installed between Chesterfield Drive and the Solana Beach border.

“Are those zebra skins real?” said Bea Dufus.

“They’re not zebra skins,” said Trey Walker. “They’re painted curbs. It’s really fun to weave in and out between them. That adds to the challenge of several travel modes put together in a narrow space.”

“I like the green bollards and patches on the pavement,” said Eterri Roe. “Visual confusion is important because consistency makes a slalom course too easy.”

“The black asphalt looks really great,” said Sandy Tohs. “The contrast between black, white and green makes everything stand out. The route is color-coded. It takes a trip or two to get the meanings down, but when you do you can do better time through the course.”

“I consistently ring the little bell on my handlebars as I ride through the course,” said Belle Wringer. “Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! That gets people’s attention so they get out of my way. Dog walkers hear my bell behind them and quickly yank their dogs to heel. Those leashes can easily trip up a biking slalom run.”

“Since the city killed the Surfing Madonna Beach Run,” said Veri Kuhl, “maybe they’ll replace it with the Cardiff Multi-Modal Slalom Clash. That would give a lot more than runners a chance to compete.”