Monday, July 25, 2022

Opportunities for Candidates Who Lose the Encinitas Mayoral Election

No candidate for public office can assume victory. They have to consider what they’ll do if they lose. In alphabetical order, longtime Encinitas resident Pat Dry offered these possibilities for the candidates:

Michael Blobe aka Myekah Beond

If Blobe aka Beond is in the job market after the November mayoral election or if he becomes a candidate again, it would be advisable for him to go with one name. Considering his options, it would also be advisable to provide a pronunciation guide.

Since Blobe aka Beond is a singer/songwriter, he might find an employment opportunity with Catherine Blakespear, regardless of a loss or win for her in the District 38 state Senate election.

If Blakespear loses, Blobe aka Beond could record the popular Please Cry for Me Encinitas, as seen in the March 15, 2021 post on this very blog. It’s a predictable best seller. Blobe aka Beond could also sing the song live at any public appearances Blakespear has the gall to make.

If Blakespear wins, substituting “California” for “Encinitas” in the title and lyrics would be a projection of what’s to come, while maintaining a paying opportunity for Blobe aka Beond.

Cindy Cremona

Cremona has run an executive recruiting firm for nearly 20 years. She’s been an activist in Encinitas for more than 10 years, advocating for local control and against mega-development.

Should Cremona lose the mayoral election, it’s doubtful she would become a shrinking violet. Her professional life is secure, and her public passions would continue.

Tony Kranz

If Kranz loses the mayoral election, he’ll have two years left in his City Council term. That’s assuming he survives the recall threatened on local social media, if that threat becomes action.

Should Kranz remain on the council, his role would depend on who his colleagues are and whether or not he’s still in the majority. If he is, he would continue his destructive ways and his solid record of betraying his heritage.

If Kranz is in the minority, he might as well hang up his spikes because his opponents on and off the council would render him powerless.

Either recalled or in the minority, Kranz would have more time to spend on his job as a printing broker.

Jeff Morris

In the history of Encinitas mayoral elections, Morris is the most insistent delusional candidate. In the highly unlikely event he wins, we can look forward to two years of embarrassments. His behavior would draw local, regional and maybe even national negative attention.

If Morris loses, he can continue to harass homeless people, gather phantom evidence of corruption in city government and post rants on local social media. He would hope that real estate remains a viable occupation for his spouse.