Sunday, November 13, 2022

Encinitas Guerrilla Announces His Retirement

The Encinitas Guerrilla will no longer be in our midst.

After weekly posts dating back to August 2012 (that’s about 535 posts and countless reader views), the silverback has decided to call it quits.

The Guerrilla will retreat to the sanctuary of Karisoke where he will care for his extensive family, respect Dian and her legacy, and contemplate his mentors Che and Mencken.

The Guerrilla’s parting word is umudendezo.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Titles We Hope to Get Used to After the November 8, 2022 Elections

§ Encinitas Mayor Cindy Cremona

§ Encinitas City Councilwoman Julie Thunder

§ Encinitas City Councilman Bruce Ehlers

§ District 38 California State Senator Matt Gunderson

§ District 77 California State Assemblywoman Tasha Boerner Horvath

§ District 49 U.S. Congressman Mike Levin

Monday, October 31, 2022

Blakespear Squares Her Abortion Position With Chickens and Eggs

“Before I dive into the choice controversy,” said state Senate candidate Catherine Blakespear, “let me address the age-old question of chickens and eggs: ‘What do I eat first, the chickens or the eggs?’

“Well, for me,” said Blakespear, “it’s the eggs, because if I ate the chickens, I’d get no more eggs.”

“Most people know I keep captive chickens in my yard, and my family harvests and eats the eggs the chickens lay,” continued Blakespear. “For some observers, that produces a conflict with my pro-choice position on reproductive health. If she’s pro-choice, they say, how can she keep chickens captive, then take and eat their eggs?

“I deny the parallel and think the implications are perverse,” said Blakespear.

“If elected to the California state Senate from District 38,” said Blakespear, “I’ll fight for home agriculture, that is, gardens, chicken coops, geese, goats, cows and anything else homeowners can accommodate without disturbing their neighbors. These efforts promote self-sustainability and are effective in fighting inflation.”

Monday, October 24, 2022

Top 10 Reasons to Elect Cindy Cremona as Mayor of Encinitas

1. She’s not Kranz, Morris or Blobe.
2. She’s not Kranz, Morris or Blobe.
3. She’s not Kranz, Morris or Blobe.
4. She’s not Kranz, Morris or Blobe.
5. She’s not Kranz, Morris or Blobe.
6. She’s not Kranz, Morris or Blobe.
7. She’s not Kranz, Morris or Blobe.
8. She’s not Kranz, Morris or Blobe.
9. She’s not Kranz, Morris or Blobe.
10. She’s not Kranz, Morris or Blobe.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Matt Gunderson in State Senate District 38

1. He’s not Blakespear.
2. He’s not Blakespear.
3. He’s not Blakespear.
4. He’s not Blakespear.
5. He’s not Blakespear.
6. He’s not Blakespear.
7. He’s not Blakespear.
8. He’s not Blakespear.
9. He’s not Blakespear.
10. He’s not Blakespear.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria Tells Bill Walton to Shut Up and Dribble

San Diego’s own Bill Walton, the former UCLA and NBA basketball and broadcasting great, has always had a social conscience and has never been timid about expressing it.

Walton recently came down hard on San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria for doing nothing to solve the homeless problem in the city. After having been assaulted by homeless people while riding his bike in Balboa Park, Walton wrote on Instagram:

“Sadly, and with a broken heart, I can no longer say that my hometown of San Diego is the greatest place in the world, I can no longer say that SD is a safe, healthy, clean, and beautiful place, I can no longer urge my family, friends, tourists, and businesses to come to SD to live, work, and play,” Walton wrote.

“I can no longer say that our neighborhood for the last 43 years is still my dream, I am brokenhearted, Mayor@toddgloria—clean up our city, and let us reclaim our lives, we must fix our homeless crisis, we need engagement, rehabilitation, and constant enforcement, and we need it now.”

Walton named San Diego’s many homeless camps “Gloriavilles,” a reference to the Hoovervilles of the Great Depression, and called upon Gloria to resign

Gloria effectively told Walton to shut up and dribble, going so far as to call Walton and two others who spoke out “liars.” 

Gloria’s spokesperson said “he has done far more to address [homelessness] than anyone else in our region’s history. He has dramatically increased and diversified the city’s network of shelter beds, launched and expanded a highly effective street outreach program, initiated 18 different policy reforms to make it faster and easier to build affordable housing, directly invested city funds in 10 affordable housing projects, championed efforts at the state level to enhance access to mental health care, and stepped up sidewalk cleanups and law enforcement to protect health and safety in our public spaces.”

Yet there are record numbers of homeless people living on San Diego’s streets. A recent count in and near downtown tallied 539 tents.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Bazooka Owners Endorse Jeff Morris for Encinitas Mayor

Encinitas mayoral candidate Jeff Morris has snagged one of the most coveted endorsements in local politics.

San Diego County Bazooka Owners (SDCBO) have endorsed Morris for mayor of Encinitas.

“I couldn’t imagine having a better endorsement when you consider what Tony Kranz has done and Cindy Cremona would do to our town,” said Morris. “Having bazooka owners as supporters will help me rid Encinitas of criminals who are ruining our lives.”

Morris went on to further condemn his opponents.

“Kranz has been on the council for 10 years. He hasn’t done a thing for the community. He imported homeless people and criminals. He cut off access to the beach. He’s behind the massive development that’s overtaken our town,” said Morris. “Where’s our quiet zone downtown and in Leucadia? Nowhere! We don’t have one!”

“Cremona is a carpetbagger. She parachuted into Encinitas and only cares about her neighborhood. She’s a New Yawker who’s so new to town she can’t find her way around. She’s a Blakespear clone who’ll break every promise she’s made to the voters. She’s selfish and just looking for publicity,” said Morris.

Morris claimed he’s the only solution to local problems.

“I started Encinitas Watchdog. I exposed corruption in city government. I exposed the non-profits. I harassed homeless people. I condemned developers. I’m the only candidate who can fix all our problems. I’m tough. I won’t cave to the special interests,” said Morris. 

Morris concluded:

“If you own a bazooka or just like bazookas, you should vote for me.”

Monday, September 26, 2022

Self-Presumed Encinitas Mayor Jeff Morris Wants Biden’s OK

From: Jeff Morris
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022, 11:10 AM
To: Joe Biden
Subject: Good Word

Good Morning President Biden,

You’re a regular Joe, so I hope you don’t mind that I addressed you as Joe in the To: line.

I admit that you’re the president of the United States. You won the 2020 election fair and square. The claims that you’re not the legitimate president are illegitimate.

I’m a candidate for mayor of Encinitas, California. Some people here see me as a Trumpy guy because I say only I can solve our city’s problems. And because I’m kind of a loudmouth and braggart like him.

I cut a deal with Trump not to rat on each other. But that doesn’t mean I’m Trumpy. In fact, I go along with a lot you, former President Obama and our current Mayor Catherine Blakespear have done. However, the local Democrat organization doesn’t endorse me.

But you’re a Democrat who has a lot of maverick in him, and you’re not full of malarkey. I think you agree with my plans to squash corruption in city government, pull the plug on profits by non-profits, clear out and clean up homeless camps, get a train quiet zone through Encinitas, and make sure there’s always good surf in our city.

Seeing that you and I see eye to eye, I hope you’ll put in a good word for me with Encinitas voters. 

By the way, we both wear shades!

Your amigo,

Jeff Morris

Monday, September 19, 2022

Self-Presumed Encinitas Mayor Jeff Morris Wants Obama’s Endorsement

From: Jeff Morris
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022, 10:20 AM
To: Barack Obama
Subject: Endorsement

Good Morning Former President Obama,

I reached out to Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear and to former President Donald Trump. I’m contacting you because I don’t want you to feel left out.

You and I are both people of color. You’re half black and half white, so you have more color than me. I have an Hispanic ancestor several generations back. While I have less color than you, it’s still color.

People in Encinitas were surprised to learn that I agree with Mayor Blakespear on many issues. I’m guessing they’ll be surprised to know that I agree with a lot of what you did as president and since.

You no doubt know that I’m a candidate for mayor of Encinitas. Like many cities in California, we have lots of problems. Homeless people, crime, backroom deals and too much development are examples. I know I can solve them all. I have plans.

With your endorsement, I’ll get more votes. It’ll be like election insurance. I hope you’ll endorse me.


Jeff Morris

Monday, September 12, 2022

Lifelong Democrats Will Vote for Republican Matt Gunderson

In an odd trend thought to be unique to the District 38 California state Senate race, many lifelong Democrats have pledged to vote for Republican Matt Gunderson. They are strongly opposed to Democratic candidate Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear.

“Like several of my friends,” said Solana Beach resident Anna Polis, “I’ll vote for Gunderson. It’ll be the first time in my life to vote for a Republican. Blakespear is dishonest. She’s a disingenuous politician who has done grave damage in her city and in San Diego County as chairwoman of SANDAG.”

“Matt probably has the vote of every Orange County Republican in District 38,” said Mission Viejo resident Sam Clemente. “But from what I hear from lots of Democrats and independents, Matt has them on his side too. Blakespear is seen as a poisonous snake here.”

“It’s surprising,” said Encinitas resident Pat Dry. “I’ve never seen an election where there’s so much animosity toward a candidate of the voters’ own party. Sure, some Democrats are sticking with Blakespear, but there are droves who aren’t. Then when you count the indies who are going for Gunderson, wow!, it looks like he has a good chance of winning.”

“The redrawn boundaries of state Senate District 38 stretch from deep into Orange County all the way down to Mission Beach,” said Pacific Beach resident Skip Bake. “We Democrats don’t know much about politics in many D38 cities, but we do know about SANDAG. And we know something about the shameful scandals that have come down on Blakespear’s watch. They’re enough to put the nix on her as a state senator for me and every Dem I know. We’ll vote for Gunderson.”

Monday, September 5, 2022

Who Knew? More Bicyclists, More Bicycle Accidents, More Fatalities

As shocking and incomprehensible as it might seem, the increased use of bicycles so heavily encouraged by city governments has resulted in a sharp rise in bicycle accidents. When it’s bike vs. car or truck, the bike always loses. The rise in bike accidents has been accompanied by an increase in fatalities. 

On August 23, 2022, the city of Carlsbad declared a state of emergency for bike, e-bike and traffic safety, citing a 233% increase in collisions involving bikes and e-bikes since 2019, and adding that there have been two fatalities in the past 17 days.

Nationally, e-bike sales rose 240% from 2020 to 2021. Because e-bikes are faster than pedal bikes, collision injuries are more likely to be severe and require hospitalization.

No doubt, drivers paying more attention to texts, cell phone calls and GPS screens than to the road contribute to the sharp rise in collisions with bikes.

It seems that every teenage boy in coastal North County cities rides an e-bike. Teenagers’ natural recklessness and self-assurance of immortality contribute to the collision frequency.

A young mom toting an infant and two toddlers on an e-bike and riding in the traffic lanes looked like a risk no sane person would take. But all four wore helmets, so maybe mom thought she and her kids were safe.

More cars and trucks on the roads, more vehicular accidents. 

More bikes on the roads with cars and trucks, more collisions with bikes. 

Both seem predictable and unavoidable.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

What Will Blakespear Do if She Loses the State Senate Election?

§ Move to Carlsbad, run for and win a City Council seat, persuade Lisa Shaffer to do likewise, form a majority coalition with Councilman Peder Norby, and screw up Carlsbad worse than she’s screwed up Encinitas.

§ Declare the election fraudulent, stage a coup at Encinitas City Hall, abscond with a trove of city documents and hole up at her family compound in Cardiff.

§ Renew her law license, shack up with California State Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins and her spouse, Jennifer LeSar, and represent them in their development projects as their personal attorney.

§ Start a physical therapy business in Encinitas with her husband, Jeremy, to compete with Kristin Gaspar and her husband, Paul.

§ Cool her heels, then challenge Terra Lawson-Remer for her District 3 San Diego County Board of Supervisors seat before her term expires in January 2025.

§ Renew her law license and become the estate-planning attorney for all the friends she’s made in Encinitas and throughout San Diego County.

§ Announce her candidacy for governor of California as soon as Governor Gavin Newsom announces his candidacy for president of the United States.

§ Open a bicycling school in Encinitas with her husband, Jeremy, to teach cyclists how to negotiate the Cardiff Cycle Trap without crashing and having to call 9-1-1. 

§ Other (please specify)

Monday, August 22, 2022

Blakespear Chickens Out of Debates With Gunderson

As the top finisher in the state Senate District 38 primary, Republican Matt Gunderson offered Democrat second-placer Catherine Blakespear an opportunity to contrast her views with his in three debates ahead of the November election.

Blakespear’s campaign manager, Kevin Sabellico, declined Gunderson’s offer, saying that Blakespear would not debate Gunderson until he takes a more explicit stance on abortion rights. 

Gunderson says, “I am pro-choice, and I support and will continue to support California law, which enshrines the right to choice.”

That’s explicit.

The purpose of debates is for candidates to state their views in public. That informs voters’ choices.

Blakespear is hiding. She’s afraid of Gunderson. She should drop her lame excuse and show up for the debates.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Nextdoor Tackles the Important Issues in Encinitas

Among the many social media sites that address crucial issues in Encinitas, nextdoor takes the unchallenged lead. Here are some examples:

Post: “My bicycle has a flat tire.”

Comment No. 1: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Comment No. 2: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Comment No. 3: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Post: “My dog ran away.”

Comment No. 1: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Comment No. 2: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Comment No. 3: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Post: “An oriole is stealing nectar from my hummingbird feeder.”

Comment No. 1: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Comment No. 2: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Comment No. 3: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Post: “A car is blocking my driveway.”

Comment No. 1: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Comment No. 2: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Comment No. 3: “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

Monday, August 8, 2022

Self-Presumed Mayor Jeff Morris Wants to Cut a Deal With Trump

From: Jeff Morris
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022, 11:03 AM
To: Donald Trump
Subject: Potential Common Ground

Good Morning Former President,

I know you don’t read anything longer than a tweet, so I’ll keep this short.

You and I have a lot in common:

• We both lead a cult.

• We both know that “Only I can fix it.” You the country, me Encinitas.

• We both had or have New York hags as scammer candidate opponents.

• We both lost or will lose an election, proving the system is rigged.

• We both are frauds. I propose that neither of us rats on the other.


Jeff Morris

Monday, August 1, 2022

Chiquita Banana Accuses Juan Valdez of Sexual Harassment

“It’s not enough that some gringo fruit hawker exploits my ethnicity to sell bananas,” said Chiquita Banana. “Now it’s Juan Valdez groping me at a trade show in Panama.”

According to Banana, when she and Valdez separately attended a Latin American commerce trade show in Panama City, Valdez made unwanted advances that included groping Banana in an elevator. Valdez has denied the allegation.

“I did no such thing,” said Valdez. “I’m a happily married man with children and a donkey. I stick to growing coffee beans. I saw Chiquita Banana at the trade show but didn’t speak to her and was not in an elevator with her.”

Panamanian authorities have taken statements from Banana and Valdez and will continue to investigate. However, with no coffee-stain evidence on Banana’s clothing or person and no witness to confirm Banana’s account, it’s doubtful charges will be forthcoming.

“No charges?” said Banana, “That’s outrageous! I’ll charge Valdez in a song!”

I’m Chiquita Banana and I’ve come to say

Señor Valdez shouldn’t touch me in sexy way
When hands are stained with brown but not a British tea
They’re coffee-grower’s paws to keep away from me
You can put them in the soil — You can work them as you toil
Hands in pairs are yours to use with — But never yours to abuse with
As Chiquita Banana I need my personal space in an elevator
Away from Juan Valdez on the moon or near the equator. 

Monday, July 25, 2022

Opportunities for Candidates Who Lose the Encinitas Mayoral Election

No candidate for public office can assume victory. They have to consider what they’ll do if they lose. In alphabetical order, longtime Encinitas resident Pat Dry offered these possibilities for the candidates:

Michael Blobe aka Myekah Beond

If Blobe aka Beond is in the job market after the November mayoral election or if he becomes a candidate again, it would be advisable for him to go with one name. Considering his options, it would also be advisable to provide a pronunciation guide.

Since Blobe aka Beond is a singer/songwriter, he might find an employment opportunity with Catherine Blakespear, regardless of a loss or win for her in the District 38 state Senate election.

If Blakespear loses, Blobe aka Beond could record the popular Please Cry for Me Encinitas, as seen in the March 15, 2021 post on this very blog. It’s a predictable best seller. Blobe aka Beond could also sing the song live at any public appearances Blakespear has the gall to make.

If Blakespear wins, substituting “California” for “Encinitas” in the title and lyrics would be a projection of what’s to come, while maintaining a paying opportunity for Blobe aka Beond.

Cindy Cremona

Cremona has run an executive recruiting firm for nearly 20 years. She’s been an activist in Encinitas for more than 10 years, advocating for local control and against mega-development.

Should Cremona lose the mayoral election, it’s doubtful she would become a shrinking violet. Her professional life is secure, and her public passions would continue.

Tony Kranz

If Kranz loses the mayoral election, he’ll have two years left in his City Council term. That’s assuming he survives the recall threatened on local social media, if that threat becomes action.

Should Kranz remain on the council, his role would depend on who his colleagues are and whether or not he’s still in the majority. If he is, he would continue his destructive ways and his solid record of betraying his heritage.

If Kranz is in the minority, he might as well hang up his spikes because his opponents on and off the council would render him powerless.

Either recalled or in the minority, Kranz would have more time to spend on his job as a printing broker.

Jeff Morris

In the history of Encinitas mayoral elections, Morris is the most insistent delusional candidate. In the highly unlikely event he wins, we can look forward to two years of embarrassments. His behavior would draw local, regional and maybe even national negative attention.

If Morris loses, he can continue to harass homeless people, gather phantom evidence of corruption in city government and post rants on local social media. He would hope that real estate remains a viable occupation for his spouse.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Let the Serious Campaigning Begin!

The California secretary of state certified the state Senate District 38 election results on July 15. Here are some statistics:

Reg'd Voters  Dem    Rep     NPP     Other  Turnout
SDC             41.3% 27.1%  24.8% 6.9%   34.9%
OC               37.4% 33.3%  23.7% 5.6%   35.2%
Candidate   Gunderson (R)     Blakespear (D)
SDC Votes       69,652        78,171
OC Votes       36,706        21,412
District Votes 106,358        99,583
% of Total        45.9%          43%

More that 70% of the district’s voters are in San Diego County. Considering Blakespear’s longevity and prominence in city and county politics, it’s surprising her margin in San Diego County was only 5.8%. When the count was nearly complete, she had 51.3% of the votes in Encinitas. 

Gunderson is a retired businessman with no experience in electoral politics. His margin in Orange County was 26.3%. He had 34.8% of the votes in Encinitas when the count was almost complete.

While Democrats outnumber Republicans in both counties, about 30% of the voters are registered in neither major party. That makes using party preference to predict outcome unreliable. 

Which way the bulk of differently striped independents vote in the general election should strongly influence the results.

Monday, July 11, 2022

College Prof Says Buying Walnuts at Walmart Is Redundant

“We want to avoid redundancies in our everyday lives,” said Percival Poindexter, Ph.D., a language studies professor at the University of San Diego (USD). “Please get my place of employment right,” he added. “Don’t confuse it with San Diego State University (SDSU), the University of California San Diego (UCSD) or California State University San Marcos (CSUSM).

“But let’s get to the subject at hand,” Poindexter said. “Redundancies waste time. They’re awkward and inefficient. Identifying and eliminating them saves time, reduces stress and aids our pursuit of happiness.

“On a shopping visit to Walmart, I found walnuts,” said Poindexter. “I immediately saw an opportunity to eliminate a redundancy. I summoned the store manager and presented the problem to her. She understood my concern but said she would have to consult with corporate executives about withdrawing walnuts from sale because Walmart carries them at about 4,000 stores in the US alone.

“That magnified the opportunity enormously,” said Poindexter. “Here was a chance to eliminate a redundancy on a massive scale. The store manager thanked me for my input and took my contact information so she could get back to me.

“Hurting the walnut industry or depriving people of walnuts is not a concern,” said Poindexter. “Customers can buy walnuts at other stores or online. Ceasing walnut sales at Walmart causes no harm to businesses or consumers and yields benefits to all involved.”

Monday, July 4, 2022

Encinitas City Council Votes to Make Parking Spaces Smaller

To effect its Climate Action Plan (CAP), the city of Encinitas has:

• Mandated vehicle lane diets to reduce gas-powered miles driven,

• Replaced gas-powered vehicles in the city fleet with electrics,

• Installed charging stations at City Hall,

• Encouraged residents to buy electric or hybrid vehicles,

• Contracted to place rent-a-bikes at convenient locations, and

• Installed bike and sharrow lanes throughout the city. 

Noting that many residents own large, gas-guzzling cars and trucks, the City Council recently voted unanimously to make all parking spaces smaller.

In a statement accompanying the decision, the council said the little spaces will encourage residents to replace their gas guzzlers with small hybrid and fully electric vehicles.

The city’s new mandate will continue the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions that its previous CAP actions started, said the statement.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Young Couple Just Starting Out Offers Apologies to Encinitans

We’re young people just starting out. We’ve been married almost two years. We met in grad school. We both hold master’s degrees in biological sciences. After earning them, we saw the best research jobs going to MDs, so we continued in med school and earned those degrees. We’re not clinicians. We’re behind-the-scenes docs who do medical research. We try to find new and better ways to prevent or treat diseases.

Because we were in college, grad school and med school for 10 years each, we built up significant student debt despite scholarships and grants. Continuing to pay that off while looking to buy a house in Encinitas was tough, especially with today’s real estate prices and general inflation pressures.

We were very fortunate to get offers to help from our parents and grandparents. We came to understand what generational wealth means and how important it is for families. Our forebears are by no means wealthy in the popular sense, but they have accumulated assets they want to share. We hope to do the same for our kids and grandkids.

Speaking of kids, we’re ready to start a family. We’re hoping for two healthy kids. Of course, we realize that will add to our financial burden.

We know that many people in Encinitas are hyper-sensitive about gender, ethnicity, race and local politics. We apologize for being straight, of British and French heritage, white and in support of democracy. We also apologize for being highly educated, holding good, contributory jobs and having parents and grandparents who are willing to help us along.

We will remain nameless for fear of reprisals. We plan to participate in local government and public schools. We hope to have friendly, respectful encounters around town.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Does Primary 2nd Place Mean Blakespear Will Lose the General Election?

Considering the circumstances, the state Senate District 38 primary results so far are surprising. At end-of-day Friday, June 17, Gunderson’s lead over Blakespear had grown to 2.9% districtwide. With 536 votes left to process in Orange County and 4,600 projected outstanding in San Diego County, that lead is likely to hold or even increase.

Some 70% of District 38 voters are in San Diego County where Blakespear has been a prominent politician since 2014, but Gunderson was unknown until he entered the 2022 state Senate race as a candidate with no political experience.

Blakespear’s lead in San Diego County is 5.1%. Gunderson’s lead in Orange County is 22.8%

In the San Diego County portion of District 38, registered voters align as 42.7% Democrats, 30.6% Republicans and 26.6% no party preference. Orange County gives no figures for how their registered voters align. 

Some say that Democrat Joe Kerr’s voters (11.2% districtwide so far) will all switch to Blakespear and give her the win, but with her significant negatives and poor showing so far, that’s uncertain.

Turnout so far is 35% in Orange County and 34.8% in San Diego County. Certified results are due from the California secretary of state on July 15.

Monday, June 13, 2022

State Senate District 38: Gunderson Could Beat Blakespear

Democrat Catherine Blakespear must be running scared. In state Senate District 38, where more than 70% of the voters are in her home county, her neophyte Orange County Republican opponent is ahead by 1.8% in the districtwide primary race.

In his home county, Matt Gunderson leads by 21.6%. Blakespear’s home county lead is 6.1%.

Blakespear is in her third term as the elected mayor of Encinitas. Prior to that, she was an appointed Mobility and Traffic Safety Commission member and an elected City Council member for one term each, in sequence. She has been the unanimously elected chairwoman of SANDAG since January 1, 2021, having been vice chairwoman for two years before that. She has high name recognition in San Diego County.

Gunderson founded and owned three auto dealerships in southern Orange County. He has served on two foundation boards and in an auto dealers association. He has no experience in elective politics and prior to his state Senate candidacy was virtually unknown in San Diego County.

Turnout in San Diego County was 24.6% and 25.5% in Orange County. There are 195,000 ballots yet to be processed countywide in San Diego County and 133,109 in Orange County.

Of the 13,366 votes tallied so far for the 39 precincts in the city of Encinitas, Blakespear leads with 51.3% to Gunderson’s 34.8%. That’s a 16.5% margin.

Statistics cited in this post are as of June 11 at 5:01 p.m. for the California Secretary of State and Orange County Registrar of Voters, and as of June 9 at 5:04 p.m. for the San Diego County Registrar of Voters. The results are due to be certified on July 15.

All things considered, the tightness of the primary race is remarkable. With nearly five months until the November general election, District 38 should see some fascinating politicking. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Tuesday, June 7, 2022 Is California Primary Elections Day

By the look of his hat and outfit, the old man exiting Ralphs supermarket was a rancher. He carried a stuffed brown plastic bag in each hand. He grimaced as he passed a woman standing outside the door holding up a Catherine Blakespear State Senate sign for him to see. The man walked about 20 feet toward the parking lot, turned sharply to the woman and snapped, “She’s a communist! She’s a damn communist!”

Meanwhile, across the parking lot at Trader Joe’s, a white Tesla sedan with an Elect Joe Kerr California State Senate sign in its passenger-side rear window sat waiting for its owner.

At Barnes & Noble about two miles away, a man stood outside the door holding up a Matt Gunderson State Senate sign for all to see.

It’s unusual to see such passionate political activity for a state Senate primary.

Go Joe!

Monday, May 30, 2022

Joe Kerr Is No Joker

Democrat Joe Kerr is a retired firefighter and union official who’s running for California state Senate in District 38. His Republican opponent in the June 7 primary is Matt Gunderson, a former owner of Orange County car dealerships and a newcomer to politics. Kerr’s Democratic opponent is Catherine Blakespear, the mayor of Encinitas and chairwoman of SANDAG, San Diego County’s transportation planning agency. 

Kerr has been described as a lunchbox Democrat. That means he’s a traditional, old-school Democrat who’s not aligned with the extreme ‘progressive’ wing of the party that has taken over politics in California.

According to his website, “Kerr is a second-generation professional firefighter who served with the Orange County Fire Authority and Orange County Fire Department for over 34 years, including 27 years as a fire captain. He was the first President of the Orange County Professional Firefighters Association, the former Vice President of the California Professional Firefighters, as well as a former Vice President of the Orange County Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO).”

Kerr says he is “running because we need leaders who will make decisions not based on political favor or expediency, but on doing what is right for our citizens.” He cites public safety, creating affordable housing, preserving single-family neighborhoods, achieving economic equity and recovery, and addressing homelessness, climate change, drought, and devastating wildfires as priorities.

Further, Kerr says he is “a common sense, creative problem solver with a proven, 25-year bipartisan track record of working with legislators on both sides of the aisle.” During his career, Kerr “sponsored over 200 pieces of public safety legislation that were signed by five governors and two presidents.”

While taking an aspiring politician at his word might be risky, Kerr sounds like the real deal.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Encinitas Activist Keeps Vow to Vote Against Blakespear

“For months, even years, I’ve been saying I’d never vote for Blakespear,” said Encinitas activist Larry Gomorka. “She’s been a total disaster for Encinitas and San Diego County, so there’s no way on Earth that I’d vote for her for state Senate. Putting her in a Senate seat would be spreading her local disaster statewide. And she’s power hungry and politically ambitious, do it’s a good bet her next run would be for governor or the federal Senate.

“I voted for Joe Kerr,” said Gomorka, “as much a strike against Blakespear as support for Kerr. He’s a decent, qualified guy and I’m sure he’ll do a good job of representing his constituents, which is something Blakespear has never done. She beats her own drum and has never given so much as a nod to following the residents’ wishes.

“Blakespear has high name recognition in San Diego County, where about 70% of District 38’s voters live and where registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans by more than 3%,” said Gomorka. “She has also raised a lot of campaign money — more like bribes, really — so the chances of her being one of the top two finishers in the June primary are high.

“If it becomes Blakespear vs. Gunderson in November, that would create a personal dilemma for me and, I suppose, many other voters,” said Gomorka. “I’ve never voted for a Republican, and I sure wouldn’t vote for Blakespear. I hope circumstances don’t force me to break a good lifelong habit.”

Monday, May 16, 2022

Monday, May 9, 2022

Did Blakespear’s Bollards Cause Leucadia Cyclist’s Death?

Shortly before noon on Saturday, November 28, 2020, a PODS delivery truck and a westbound cyclist collided as the truck turned right from Leucadia Boulevard into Moonstone Court. Bystanders aided the cyclist as they awaited EMS. Paramedics treated the victim during transport to Scripps Hospital La Jolla, where he died of his injuries.

The cyclist was Jennings Worley, 62, a Ph.D. physiologist. According to Physics Today, “Jennings was a collaborative and influential scientist with over 30 peer-reviewed publications who translated his deep understanding of ion channel biophysics and pharmacology to drug discovery.” 

The publication added that despite his accomplishments, “what people will likely remember most about Jennings is that he was wonderfully kind, humorous, and dedicated to science and the people around him. He only celebrated others’ successes, never his own.”

According to his obituary in the San Diego Union-Tribune, “Jennings was a beloved father, husband, son, brother, friend, scientist, but most of all he was an exemplary man and human being.” Jennings' most recent work was in discovering life-saving treatments for cystic fibrosis.

As part of Mayor Catherine Blakespear’s focus on increasing bicycling safety in Encinitas, the city had installed bollards — hollow green plastic posts about 3 feet tall — between the right traffic lane along Leucadia Boulevard and the bike lane next to the curb. The gaps between the bollards were about 10 feet. At Moonstone Court, the row of bollards extended close to the street’s corner.

Some cyclists commented that the bollard close to the corner forced the truck driver to make what cyclists call a “right hook turn.” That angle made it impossible for the driver to see Worley in his right-side mirrors. Photos taken at the scene shortly after the accident (see below) appear to show that the driver turned into Worley’s path, giving him no escape and causing him to fatally crash into the truck’s side.

Without bollards or had they stopped farther east of the intersection, the driver would have been able to see Worley in his right-side mirrors and to judge whether to slow and let him pass or to turn right ahead of him.

Other cyclists said the bollards were not a factor. The collision would have happened with or without them.

Since the tragic accident, two or three bollards east of the Moonstone Court intersection have been removed and the road striping across the intersection has been altered or removed. That seems to say the city acknowledged the bollard placement was at fault.